01. First visit

In this visit, we explain to candidates what the donation process is about, what is its therapeutic purpose, what tests and analytics we perform and what is the economic compensation made for the inconvenience caused. Also, we evaluate each candidate according to:

Study of phenotypic characteristics

The phenotypic characteristics of the donor and her direct relatives are analysed, as well as lifestyle habits, hobbies, sports and / or motivations.

Photograph of the donor exclusively for medical and confidential use, under signed authorization.

Donation commitment

We evaluate the reasons of the donation and if the person is capable to accept this decision in the long term in his life.

02. Psychological visit and tests

We evaluate the pathological traits or problems that may be present in the personality of our candidates to rule out the conflicting ones.

Tests consist in:

  • · Psychological test:the test lets us exclude candidates the show psychopathological problems such as imbalances, instability and lack of control.
  • · Personal interview: with Fertibank's psychology team.

Data from our donors:

  • - Young women
  • - Average age of 25 years old
  • - Good physic and psychic health
  • - All blood and phenotype groups.

03. Gynaecological evaluation

· Interview with the gynaecologist: We make a second evaluation of the clinical history to assess and evaluate.

  • - Risk to the health of third parties: possibility of transmission of known hereditary diseases, family history check.
  • - Risk to itself: in the induction and / or stimulation of ovulation, sedation, risks associated with the egg retrieval and psychological consequences.
  • - Personal and social habits.
  • - Ethnic and phenotypic data.

· Complete gynaecological exploration

  • - General physical exploration
  • - Ultrasound examination to assess ovarian reserve or signs of recent ovarian stimulation or pathology that contraindicates hormonal treatment.
  • - Consent document: The doctor in charge, will hand the candidate a contract where she will be informed of the procedure she will have to follow and the tests she will have to take under her consent to donate her ovules.

04. Blood and urine

With the analytics we rule out those donors that are carriers of sexually transmitted diseases.

  • · Complete hemogram
  • · Blood group / Rh by duplicate
  • · Transaminases
  • · Coagulation test
  • · Glycaemia
  • · Urea. Creatinine
  • · Na. K
  • · Serum bank
  • Complete serology:
  • · Anti HIV-(1+2) Antibodies in serum
  • + P24 antigen
  • · Hepatitis serology
  • - Ag HBs (surface AG Hepatitis B)
  • - Ac. HBc (CORE Hepatitis B Antibodies)
  • - Ac. Hepatitis C HVC
  • · Syphilis serology:
  • - VDRL (Cardiolipid Ag)
  • · Chlamydia trachomatis, Gonococcus and
  • Mycoplasma in urine
  • ·Cytomegalovirus: IgG, IgM antibodies
  • · Karyotype
  • · Study of the 50 frequent mutations of the CFTR gene (cystic fibrosis) and the sequence IVS8-6 (T) method: P.C.R./O.L.A.
  • · Glucose 6 - phosphate dehydrogenase
  • · Haemoglobin study with electrophoresis (Hb A, Fetal Hb, A2, Abnormal)
  • · DNA bank of each donor
  • · Recombine Carrier Map
  • · Qcarrier Plus

05. Donor acceptance

Result evaluation and signature of acceptance papers.

· Signature of the consent document by the donor and the responsible doctor

· Approval by the physician in charge in accordance to the results of the analytics, and the psychological evaluation and clinical record.

06. Ovule vitrification

We started the vitrification of ovules using the Fertibank protocol. Consists in:

· Kitazato method: Vitrification vessel in Cryotop. High security labeling resistant to liquid nitrogen

07. Phenotypic report

Fertibank provides the phenotypic report of the donor to the laboratory that requests our services as an Egg Bank.

Information data are:

  • · Blood group
  • · Height
  • · Weight
  • · Ethnicity
  • · Eye colour
  • · Hair colour and texture.